Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beijing Trip Day 1 & 2 (7 & 8 December 2008)

yesterday, i took the 10.55AM flight from Shanghai to Beijing. about 1 hour and 45 minutes flight by Air China, i ate 3 sets of lunch. grabbed it from my friends meal. hahaha... i ate chicken tofu rice, and pork vege rice, served with juice, plain bread with butter, and fruit.

arrived in Beijing airport, i realized that i lost my mobile. shit.... i ran as fast as possible back inside the plane and search for it. i feel shocked when i saw that all the stewardess gone, just left the cleaner. shit. luckily, i found it under the small pillow at my seat number 54K. lol... Thanks God for saving my mobile. haha...

continued to take a bus from the airport to no where. and stop at the bus stop near Tian An Men. the weird is that we take alot of stuff and i don't know who suggest to take MRT to go to our hotel. OMG, seriously, i feel pissed off on that time. i had lots of stuff and took MRT around. after arrived on our destination, we still haven't reach the hotel yet. in the map said that the hotel is just 500 meters from the MRT and few minutes walking distance. well, we got lost there. and i don't know. i'm totally pissed off.

ok forget about it, we went for Peking Roasted Duck at 'The Culinary Art of Chef Dong'. yeeehaaaa..... 北京烤鸭。 people said, if you go to beijing and do not taste and eat the Duck, i will not know how is the real taste of it. well i just feel about the same. and even though it is an expensive or i can said that middle class and above restaurant, but some of the dishes there is not that good. somemore, there are some dishes taste so weird. but yeah, because of too hungry, i forgot to took the picture if Peking Duck there. haiz...

early in the morning i woke up and leave hotel about 7.05AM to the bus station. took about 1 and 1/2 hour to Great Wall. yeah man, great wall China. hahaha... walked about 3 to 4 pavilion, my legs just feels like about to get away from my body. hahaha... damn tired and damn high. it is not as easy as in the picture dude. well, not all the part of the way, but some part of that, people will face difficulty. for sure. haha...

after that, we went for 3 boring presentation. just wasted our time with that stupid presentation. about the jade or something. oh ya, we also went to a small temple around there. a very simple temple but i like the environment. it feels different inside there. well, i think me and my friends just wasted our time in the bus and bored presentation.

well, this picture all took by me. ALex.Lee

at night, we went to the Olympics Stadium, Beijing National Stadium 北京国家体育场, which is known as the Bird Nest. and also the National Aquatics Center. woohoo.... feel so excited because i've been there finally. hahaha... well, went back and had Korean BBQ at 平安三千里。 and then, here you go, i wrote this blog after that. hahaha....

Aquarius Dec 09, 2008 At first it might look like one of your past mistakes is coming back to haunt you today, but don't worry! This close call will pass you by and you should feel free to keep smiling all day without worry. You can't let your imagination run wild with fears about something that doesn't really exist -- especially when you have so many wonderful things in your reality right now! So whatever happens today, you need to stay positive. These storm clouds are passing over you.

1 comment:

╰sιℓ —★ said...

senengnya yg udh nympe ke great wall