Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Home

last 4 days, i just moved from Tao Li Yuan, dorm in my uni, to apartment at Fa Hua Zhen Lu, just 7 minutes walking distance to campus. well, I'm not stay alone, i stay with my housemate. he is from Indonesia also. well, nice home and i got it with RMB1900/month but not include utility. haha...

well, today i just got my connection by setting up all the things by myself. *clap clap clap* well, even though it is connected, but today's connection is damn slow. my housemate said not as fast as before. well, hope tomorrow will be better.

i just read christina's blog and i quote some of the sentence there:
i believe we will always remember all the times that we spent together. Whether it was bad or good, whether it was full of joy, angry, happiness, or sadness. Thought our lives might change, whatever we might face, however, don't ever feel down as we know we are not alone. There are friends behind us that always support us. Though they are not besides you, indeed the memories that we spend together will make us strong.

today's quote:
September 17, 2008: beware of your unstable humor which may complicate your relationships. put your ideas into due order. family problem which you thought already solved will make a comeback; your hesitate between two alternatives; to dismiss this problem altogether, or try painstakingly to find an acceptable solution to them. top priority to love affairs; this astral climate will allow you to recover great complicity with your spouse or mate. you'll probably suffer from stomach heaviness or intestinal gas; eat dried prunes.

Are you getting bored? The best cure for an uninteresting life is to take a few risks! So today, try to put yourself in a situation where you could be rejected -- or at least come out with less than you put in. You shouldn't do anything too silly, like spend your life savings on lottery tickets, but you should do something a little risque. Maybe it is time to ask that certain someone out, try out a trendy new fashion look, or try your hand at a complicated gourmet dinner.


╰sιℓ —★ said...

selamat yg udh pindah rumah
kayaknya sejak pindah ke china, lu jadi rajin baca2 horoscope
mao jadi tukang ramal yah bang?
klo gw jadi ke china, lu sekap suami daku, ntr mao daku bawa plg ke indo

silasdaninja said...

hahahhah mau jadi tukang ramal.. lol...

rmb1900 itu sharing ato apa? koq lebih mahal dari condo.. haaaha

trus knp lu pindah dari dorm?

ALex.Lee Photography said...

lagi gk ada kerjaan aja
makanya gw sering bgt baca horoscope

gw tggl di apartment koq dreas
range di sini tuh emank segitu
mulai dr 2000 - 3500 rmb
gw dapet 1900 tu uda ok lo.