Wednesday, September 23, 2009


well, it's been 4 months i worked in APPCO group and a lot of stuffs happened during this period of time. a lot of positive thingy happened as much as the negative thingy happened as well. couples of people resign for this job, numbers of new faces coming for this job also.

something to highlight about my 4 months here is that they build my confidence level into bo phai seh level. lol.... learned how to talk with new people and how to influence people and not a Nag out boss. how to be a positive minder and have a positive mindset.

ou well, beside the good stuff, in the other hand, obstacles that i faced currently is the changing environment among the colleagues, not the office. why do i said so? because the people that you talked to every single day and the people that you mixed with everyday will be different because of the changes itself. from a very positive and influence people, until the negative and skeptical people.

other challenges that i faced is the objection from the people. but i have no idea what this Singaporean think. i met some people that prefer to save S$1 dollar to buy GUCCI handbag rather than give it to the Heart Disease Patients. i met a lot of people that said "I HAVE NO TIME", "RUSHING", "NOT INTERESTED". i understand some of them was really in rushing for something. however, it's not that i want to curse the others but they don't think far away about helping peoples life and they don't even think of their position in that situation when they need the money to help their own people who have Heart Disease. and honestly, 75% of my total donor, is foreigner. and i don't want to comment on this.

but i just realized as what i noticed, some of my Singaporean friends, they don't even care about their own family members, then how they can CARE about this patients?

but i really Appreciate people who stop and donate for this patients. GBU always.

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